
Is Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Limiting Itself? (Part 1 of 3)

Unlimited Hydroplane Racing has been the subject of considerable conversation recently about its current condition, its future direction, and frankly its viability. At the risk of adding more noise to the conversations, wants to provide its own perspectives with a hope to advance the discussion in a positive manner.

There seems to be a number of let’s say, “controversial” topics contributing to this current turmoil that we are experiencing. I’d like to address a number of them one at a time, but all with a specific theme in mind. My goal is to first try to understand the issue, then attempt to add yet another perspective to the mix.

As I’ve been collecting my thoughts on this topic, I’ve structured my thinking into the three areas used to open this article:

1) Current Condition
2) Future Direction
3) Viability

Based on how quickly and extensively I came up with thoughts on each one, I decided to make this a three part series. I hope you enjoy it. (Whether you do or don’t, please engage in conversation through comments on the site!) For this first part of three, let’s focus on today.

(Editor’s Note: this post was in development before USA Racing Partners announced Friday that Unilever is shifting its marketing focus and leaving Unlimited Hydroplane Racing. While that dynamic can and should be a topic of another discussion, it has not been incorporated specifically into this topic. However, the changing face of racing does pertain.)

The Current Condition of Unlimited Hydroplane Racing

For any of you who have followed this site for any length of time, you know I am at the rookie end of the fan continuum. That’s not necessarily good or bad, but it does allow me to share perspectives through my “inexperienced” and some might say, “un-jaundiced” eyes.

The best way for me to describe the current condition of our sport is with one word:


On the surface, that one word might look very positive with a bright outlook. However, while that may be true, I see it as representing a condition substantially more challenging. Why? There is huge untapped potential that is not being captured. Potential for advertising. Potential for sponsorships. Potential for expansion. Potential for attendance. Potential for financial results that could rival NASCAR.

The list of sentences that begin with “Potential for…” could go on and on.

If that wasn’t enough, the unfortunate perspective that many share seems to be that there isn’t being enough done by the governing body to rectify it – or at least start turning the boat in the right direction. Confusing and conflicting schedules, uncertain and unreliable race results, and frustrating financial models are just a few of the examples – but more on that later.

There are many models in the world of sport after which we can fashion ourselves. No, I don’t mean morph into a NASCAR, MLB, NHL, NFL, or NBA. What I mean is there are many ways for Unlimited Hydroplane Racing to reinvent itself by taking the best concepts from each of the other major sports in the U.S. or even better, more global sports like golf, tennis and soccer.

These sports have stadiums to fill with fans, just like we have lake and river venues. They have players and equipment – some similar and some not so much – just like us. They have opportunities to showcase their entertainment value on TV just like we do.

My opinion? We’re not even scratching the surface – but we can! We need visionary thinkers (who actually have the experience and talent I’m lacking) and we need brave innovators that aren’t afraid to “test the waters” with new ideas. (Sorry, that one just fell out…)

Again, challenge our current thinking in one specific area. If we can improve it, do it! If not, leave it alone and look at the next link in the chain. If we look for opportunities to strengthen a weak link, then we have our next opportunity to improve right in front of us in the form of the next weakest link.

Does all this mean that I’m pulling an Eeyore and moaning uncontrollably at every Unlimited Hydroplane Racing issue that airs?

Of course not!

The reason for taking the time to share these perspectives is my unwavering desire to help grow the sport and assist in making it better tomorrow than it is today. In my opinion, the only way to do that is to challenge our current way of thinking to ensure we’re on the right track. If we are, great! If not, let’s correct the course!

Next up: read part two of this three part series.



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